среда, 22 февраля 2012 г.

New Data from J. Tao et al Illuminate Research in Algorithms.

"The flow and congestion control methods based on one-shot game model with non-cooperative game theory can explain the non-cooperative behavior of Internet users. However, the low efficiency of equilibriumn solutions affects their utility," investigators in Nanjing, People's Republic of China report.

"Here the behavior of flow and congestion control based on infinitely repeated game models is addressed; the repeated and infinitely repeated flow and congestion control game model is presented; the existence and optimization of the Nash equilibrium point are proved; the discount factor in repeated game is discussed; the punishment and threat strategy to users' misbehavior is studied in N-users infinitely flow control game; the punishment restrictive method of users' behavior is designed in infinitely and finitely games; finally, a flow control algorithm based on repeated game, FCAR, is provided based on the conclusions of repeated game model. The results of experiment and simulation show that FCAR algorithm could regularize and restrict users' misbehavior effectively," wrote J. Tao and colleagues.

The researchers concluded: "FCAR algorithm can also make non-cooperative Internet users achieve cooperation in order to optimize the utility of the whole flow and congestion control system."

Tao and colleagues published their study in Science China - Information Sciences (Restrictive mechanism of flow control among non-cooperative Internet users. Science China - Information Sciences, 2011;54(1):12-22).

For additional information, contact J. Tao, Southeast University, Key Laboratory Computational Network & Informat Integrat, Minist Education, Nanjing 210096, People's Republic of China.

The publisher of the journal Science China - Information Sciences can be contacted at: Science China Press, 16 Donghuangchenggen North St., Beijing 100717, People's Republic of China.

Keywords: City:Nanjing, Country:People's Republic of China, Algorithms, Asia, China, Mathematics

This article was prepared by Journal of Mathematics editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2011, Journal of Mathematics via VerticalNews.com.

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